Welcome to the School & Eco Council page

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states that children have the right to participate in decision-making processes that may be relevant in their lives and to influence decisions taken in their regard — within the family, the school or the community.

On here you will be able to find out who has been chosen to represent our school council, keep up to date with all the exciting changes and developments we have been discussing in our meetings, as well as how we are planning to make sure these changes HAPPEN in our school!

The School and Eco council is supported by Mr Caughter and Mrs Wynn but LED by the children themselves. We have School and Eco council representatives in each class from Year 1 to Year 6.

Class 5: Betsy, Joey, Liliana
Class 4: Catrin, Liberty, Noah
Class 3: Jacob, Noah, Rosie
Class 2:
Alfie, Aurora, Sophie


  • The children made a School Council Agreement to make sure they are the best role models they can be and decide how any money will be spent to develop the school.

  • They reviewed and agreed the new Behaviour Policy.

  • They completed an Environmental Review with Mrs Wynn.

  • The supported two important charities in 2021 - Save the Children by wearing Christmas jumpers, and the Flintshire Food Bank by asking for donations of non-perishable foods.

  • The carried out a healthy eating and drinking survey.